Climate change. Plastic pollution. Loss of wildlife. Overfishing. The problems impacting the ocean seem as vast as the ocean itself. Some people even fear these problems will never be solved at all. The fourth edition of Ocean Week will bring the ocean closer to citizens, policy makers, and stakeholders, raising awareness on the importance of the ocean to counter the ecological and climate crises. A series of events will take place in Brussels and beyond the week of 5-11 June.
Ocean Week 2023 is organised by Birdlife International, ClientEarth, Oceana, Seas at Risk, Surfrider Foundation Europe and WWF European Policy Office.
Come join us if you are interested in learning about the crises the ocean and marine life are facing and the solutions to effectively address them. Don’t forget to join the conversation on social media by using the #EUOceanWeek hashtag!
Posted on: 11 May 2023