Save the date for a cultural climate event during COP27 at Mundo Madou, Brussels, featuring travelling artists Filastine and Nova with their project Arka Kinari.
Register now for this free event.
When? Wednesday, 9 November, 2022, 19:00 – 22:30
Where? Mundo Madou, Avenue des Arts 7, Brussels B-1210
The event will feature a short presentation on the importance of storytelling in weaving system change.
Who? Dr. Lucy Gilliam (Senior Shipping Policy Officer, Seas At Risk), will host the event where we will discuss the One Planet Shipping campaign and the role it can play in carving out space for greater ambition and a more equitable inclusive transition within planetary boundaries.
We will hear from Tobias Troll (Marine Policy Director, Seas At Risk) who will present Seas At Risk’s new systems change narrative ‘Lifebuoy economics’
Arka Kinari will perform their live interactive documentary of their voyage around the world through COVID lockdown and their voyages through coastal communities in Indonesia and participate in a Q&A about their experiences and reflections of the last two years.
Seas At Risk gratefully acknowledges EU funding support. The content of this event is the sole responsibility of Seas At Risk. It should not be regarded as reflecting the position of the funders.
Posted on: 3 November 2022