How can Europe address the neglected threat of underwater noise?
Underwater noise is one of the most widespread and yet largely neglected threats to marine life. Despite the need to address underwater noise in the 2008 Marine Strategy Framework Directive to obtain Good Environmental Status for our seas by 2020, little has happened since then.
Increasing levels of underwater noise created by human activities (e.g. shipping, seismic exploration, drilling etc.) remain a continuous and often deadly threat to marine mammals, fish and other forms of marine life. Experts will outline the state of research and policy makers will explain how they intend to address underwater noise in the current political processes such as the revision of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, the Biodiversity Strategy, and the Zero Pollution Action Plan.
Taking place on Ocean Day and during Ocean Week 2021, with the opportunity to watch award winning documentary “Sonic Sea”, there is the hope to raise awareness on the neglected thread of underwater noise and open the discussion on how to address it.
Organised by Seas at Risk, Ocean Care, IFAW, BUND, CPMR, and SEArica.
Register here.
Posted on: 25 May 2021