3, 2, 1… World Oceans Day 2019! On Saturday 8 June, Seas At Risk members, together with thousands of activists, volunteers and citizens across Europe, will celebrate World Oceans Day.
Plenty of creative activities to suit all tastes are planned for every corner of Europe, from traditional beach cleans-up and video screenings to conferences and summits. Among the tastiest options are the World Oceans Dinner organised by the Good Fish Foundation and a fish food festival planned by Sciaena (Portugal) to showcase new recipes and alternative options to combat overfishing. The more artistically inclined can avail of photo contests, art competitions and concerts, or – if you’re feeling brave – the MARE Foundation in Warsaw are holding a tattoo initiative at which you can show your support. Surfrider Europe are organising a march in Paris, which Seas At Risk will attend with large posters highlighting that our lifestyles harm the ocean and calling on governments to take new measures to ensure clean and healthy seas by 2020. Seas At Risk will be on social media to share the highlights of the day and promote the #SaveOurSeas petition. We encourage the world to stay tuned!
Seas At Risk members will use these creative means to raise public awareness of the negative impacts of human activities on the ocean, promote sustainable management of our ocean’s limited resources and teach us to be respectful towards nature and our surroundings. World Oceans Day presents a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the beauty of our great ocean. There is no Planet B and no Ocean B. We want to save #OurBlueLung!
Posted on: 6 June 2019