Iris Ziegler
Non-post holder
Dr. Iris Ziegler works for Sharkproject International and Sharkproject Germany e.V. since 2015
Since 2017 she heads the International Cooperation team at Sharkproject International, responsible for Sharkproject’s policy engagement at national and international level and cooperating with other NGOs on marine police and shark related campaigns.
She holds a Master degree and a PhD in in pharmaceutical sciences however has worked in fisheries’ sustainability improvements and fisheries policy over the last 7 years, having gathered a deep insight and expertise in an ecosystem based fisheries management, that addresses the complete ecosystem and fisheries impact on all species and habitats, wholistically.
She also is the Vice President of the Swiss based charity Make Stewardship Count, a coalition of more than 90 organisations and scientist, which has engaged since 2017 in a reform of the MSC ecolabel calling for critical improvements of the bycatch and ecosystem assessment part of the MSC Fisheries Standard. She is an accredited observer at ICCAT and IOTC and also a member of the NGO Tuna Forum.
Her mission statement is:
“An ocean without sharks is not an ocean, but only water, and water alone is not enough to preserve our planet the way we are experiencin it today! Shark conservation is therefore marine conservation, climate protection and essential for the survival of our planet … and all of humanity.”