EU Ocean Week returns for the third consecutive year between 8-15 June, with the theme of nature protection and restoration. This week, 15 awareness-raising, artistic and policy events in Brussels and beyond bring together the public, policymakers, scientists, ocean and climate activists, and industry representatives. 

Ocean Week is led by Birdlife International, ClientEarth, Oceana, Seas at Risk, Surfrider Foundation Europe and WWF European Policy Office. 


Sneak peek into EU Ocean Week 

June 13, 6.30-9pm – There is no Ocean B. What we do to restore our blue planet (Bozar, Brussels): During EU Ocean Week’s pivotal event, blue NGOs will assess whether the EU is on track to achieve a healthy ocean by 2030 in line with the policy demands of the Blue Manifestoa rescue plan for Europe which lays out concrete actions and a roadmap to turn the tide on our degraded and polluted ocean and coastlines by 2030. 

This event will be followed by a cocktail reception. Interview opportunities available upon request. For more information, contact Diane Vandesmet

June 14, 2-4pm  – Digital transition to benefit EU fishers and the ocean (European Parliament, Brussels): Experience how the use of electronic monitoring tools on boats can contribute to having thriving marine ecosystems and sustainable fishing activities. For more information, contact Irene Campmany  

June 14, 4-6pm – Fishing without bycatch – Mitigation measures to protect sensitive species (ACE Event Venue, Brussels): Join this event to learn about the different solutions available to reduce bycatch in Europe.
For more information, contact Naïma Crotti

June 15, 6.30-8.30pm – Toxic Waters screening (European Parliament, Brussels): Dive into two scandals of industrial water pollution of two bathing and recreational water sites in Europe. For more information, contact Gaëlle Haut  

Interested in learning more about initiatives taking place during Ocean Week 2022 and/or want to request an interview with the coalition of blue NGOs? 

Email us at 

To confirm your participation at the EU Ocean Week pivotal event on June 13, register online  for your media pass.