The European Commission has published a set of package of communications to protect the ocean, including an action plan to protect and restore marine ecosystems for sustainable and resilient fisheries (Marine Action Plan) as well as a communication on the functioning of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). In addition, the Parliament is finalizing its position on the Nature Restoration Law. For the sake of the health of communities and nature, ambition matched by bold action is the only currency we can afford facing an accelerating natural degradation. One of the main challenges we are facing today is the inclusion of blue carbon in climate legislation, alongside forests and land, through the development of public policies to encourage the mapping of ecosystems and to develop a common methodology for measuring absorption capacity in the run-up to COP28.

Now is the time for Members of the European Parliament to hear from experts on the potential for fisheries and marine as well as land-based actions to deliver on carbon management and biodiversity conservation, so that they can best drive these processes forward. There are many solutions existing and in development that can ensure we maximise the ocean’s capacity to protect us from the climate crisis.

The event is hosted by MEPs Catherine Chabaud, Grace O’Sullivan and João Albuquerque.

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