Seas At Risk is pleased to welcome Deutsche Stiftung Meeresschutz (German Foundation for Marine Protection) as our newest member, bringing our membership to 32 organisations in 16 EU countries.
Founded in 2007, Deutsche Stiftung Meeresschutz aims to counteract the exploitation of the ocean and destruction of its inhabitants by raising awareness and supporting preservation projects. Its work focuses on marine litter, deep-sea mining, fisheries and marine protected areas, creating substantial potential for effective collaboration with Seas At Risk. The German-based organisation is particularly active in international projects, such as shark and leatherback turtle conservation in Indonesia and South Africa, and dolphin protection in Croatia. It also contributes to rescuing and rehabilitating seals in the North Sea and removing garbage and plastic in the Banda Sea, Indonesia. Like Seas At Risk, Deutsche Stiftung Meeresschutz is vocal about the need for a ban on single-use plastics and the threat of overfishing, and is a significant asset to our growing membership.
Seas At Risk members work tirelessly towards our shared goal of preserving our seas and ocean. The size and importance of this task requires hard work, enthusiasm and cooperation, and each of our members brings their unique perspective to strengthen our combined expertise. Deutsche Stiftung Meeresschutz’s experience in project coordination and funding will greatly aid the fight for marine protection.
Even in these unfamiliar times, we remain steadfast in our motivation and in the dedication of our members to work towards a future filled with blue hope.

Posted on: 17 March 2021