The fisheries and aquaculture sectors have been hard hit by the economic impacts of the Covid-19 crisis and swift action is necessary to support those whose livelihoods are threatened. However, the emergency nature of the situation should not force damaging decisions that will lead to further degradation of the ocean. The European Commission has proposed measures to mitigate the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors. Seas At Risk’s recommendations aim to ensure that these proposed emergency measures do not lead to the reintroduction of subsidies that would be harmful to the environment, the economy and society in general. More specifically, the current crisis should not create a precedent whereby future EMFF funds are used to support unviable businesses. Instead, all measures should seek to support the transition to sustainable, low-impact fishers and aquaculture farmers, thereby protecting both livelihoods and the marine environment.

Posted on: 24 April 2020